Patient lying in psychologist office

Are you interested in an effective non-medication treatment for irritable bowel syndrome?

A Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina developed a series of hypnosis sessions to treat IBS. His protocol has been tested in a number of studies and has been shown to be highly effective. Dr. Palsson is an internationally recognized expert in the use of hypnosis for gastrointestinal disorders.

The hypnosis program is a standardized seven-session treatment. Sessions are conducted approximately every other week, so the treatment takes about 12 weeks. At each visit, you’ll be guided to experience hypnosis using the specific healing suggestions for that session.

After the second visit, you’ll be given an audio recording, recorded by Marlo, with a home hypnosis exercise. It is recommended this recording be used at home, daily if possible, and no less than five times a week throughout the course of the seven treatment sessions. The home hypnosis exercise is part of the standardized treatment program.

Marlo Bennett, LMFT, is one of only two behavioral health professionals in Utah who offer this hypnosis treatment.

For more information about IBS, hypnosis, and other treatment options, please visit

Initial Contact

If you’re interested in learning more about Hypnosis for IBS, or my practice in Park City, UT, please call (435) 901-3218, or contact me to schedule an appointment. I am happy to discuss any questions you have about how therapy can meet your needs.